Category: Uncategorized

  • My Flannel My Lover

    Joe When you return home You will find a small parcel On your doormat Please take time To share a drink With my ex lover Who will inform you What this girl requires Sephine

  • les nuages ​​sont des ballons blancs

    white balloons are often mistaken for clouds it is a common mistake often repeated by those who do not understand weather patterns

  • un voyage en ballon

    only the featureless desert plains could be seen from the gondola of my mysterious white balloon

  • Torche

    Three batteries Power my torch I can now see you In our darkened room

  • Nene in the Sauna

    My cousin Nene had invited me to share the family sauna It was away from the main house on a small island lakeside And could only be reached by using a small wartime bridge A short dusty path led to a much repaired wooden jetty And it was there that I spent many of my […]

  • Church

    It was not an unusual church In fact it was quite featureless But it was this very ordinariness That moved him so much

  • where all the tall buildings go when they die

    do you know the answer to that question when they are young tall buildings are vibrant they are magnificent and greatly admired but then the decay sets in cracks and faults are found no longer are they the knights of a great city as you know i prefer smaller more intimate buildings they are far […]

  • La marionnette

    Today I met a puppet He was dressed in a turquoise smock Maroon gathered at the collar The puppet has a rather flat face Which highlights its piercing blue eyes Its hair is lank wild and quite matted I know that it is waiting for me To give it life but not as I know […]

  • The Somerset Levels

    Joe Gill and I are currently exploring the Somerset Levels They are amazing and really rather lonely As you know I have a great interest in places such as this (sad I know but I could have been a train spotter) About an hour or so ago we visited a small cafe It was whilst […]

  • My First Job

    What was your first job Joe I think it was that of a paperboy Really Yes because I could be trusted Son of a vicar and all that I bet it was hard I only tended to do the round When I was on hols Slave labour I did not get paid What Daddy saw […]