Category: Uncategorized

  • Aurélie et la mer

    My French cousin had arrived She was standing ankle deep In the sand shallows Of the bright blue sea How I enjoyed her annual visits

  • Sandé

    Sandé and a girl Wearing a green dress Walked past me On the coastal path They were holding hands Sandé was in love again I was pleased for her

  • Caron les Ombres de l’Eté

    The romance of sunlit doorways On hot summer days The vacancy of the light Has always captured my attention I saw you standing On a wooden jetty at sunrise The sun was just breaking the clouds Yet the air was already warm You were wearing a damp chemise To keep you cool in the early […]

  • Chaos & Riches

    Visited the sea They were amazed At its colour Texture and mood I met them We shared a coffee In a nude cafe Opposite a church Beneath a hill Today was the L>O<N>G<E>S<T>D<A>Y We arranged to meet in a year

  • Summer into Winter

    The beach is quite beautiful A thousand colours assault me Yet I crave the bleakness of winter A gather of gulls round ring above You are looking lovely Sandra Jayne I should be so very happy here

  • Dim Dancer

    I purchased three small people But paid for only two I considered the waves Peter House Paul Was riding his bicycle I was lining up a shot When he passed me

  • The Sea Reflects

    It is a drunken sea High and without shape Today is the longest day I am in a plush hotel Sharing an iced beer With Billy the Kid

  • High Path to Sandgate

    Cruel narrow wide steps ahead Uneven in places not easily seen All paths lead to the sea A southerly wind hidden The sea gleams Midsummer

  • Margate Sands

    On Margate Sands I can connect Nothing with nothing I am watching The Sea Pool Being swamped By an incoming tide It is a cruel witness Eliot’s sea shelter Is now being repaired After years of neglect Which has made me Very Happy The beach is deserted Save for visitors from afar Who appear to […]

  • Sea Glass

    I purchased three bags Of sea glass Green White and Brown Was I going to make anything Not really Just friends