Category: Uncategorized

  • Untitled

    Elections come Elections go But the beauty Of a woman Will never fade

  • The Pumice Cliffs

    Later today I shall run down The deep pumice cliffs Pirandello’s childhood memories Are laid bare at my feet I will wear a white cotton dress And later bathe in the bright blue sea My journey begins and ends here As this is the edge of my known world Josephine

  • Genisi railway station is no longer open

    I am standing on what remains of Genisi railway station It is semi derelict but still standing Trains do pass through this station But no longer stop They have not stopped For a number of years In the movie Pirandello alighted from his train The twentieth century had just dawned But this station was already […]

  • The Footballer with Blue Hair

    It was quite noticeable When watching the game That one of the players Had dyed his hair blue I was asked why He had done such a thing By a female friend You decorate yourself So why should he not Dye his hair blue Was my simplistic answer

  • Kew Gardens

    On a warm day in Kew Gardens I nearly purchased a book of Byron’s poetry But considered it too bulky to carry (I wonder where it is now) Jane and I passed a woman breastfeeding She smiled at us but the baby was otherwise occupied I considered this moment to be as beautiful as the […]

  • L’actrice Molly

    Works behind a bar In Kew Gardens Near the underground station Not many people recognise her now But she was once an actress Famed for her daring roles But then grew tired of it all And faded back into the reality That she had always searched for

  • A Long Journey

    Today we visited many places In the beautiful city of Milan I cannot make my mind up About my favourite city Genoa or Milan After supper we are going to the cinema Habitación en Roma Joe thinks I will like this movie We should be getting an early night As a train will be travelling […]

  • Walks on Invisible Days

    It is called Caos a country district overlooking the sea where the birthplace of Luigi Pirandello stands.  Genisi railway station is no longer open On the last day of his life Pirandello spoke to his mother’s ghost about a story he wanted to complete but could not write because he lacked words The Pumice quarry […]

  • dans ma chambre

    Joe has insisted on separate beds He has not gone off me I am surprised That he has not gone off me As I am was/still am a mad girl Joe says that I am a serious poet And to go mad is part of the process But Joe has never gone mad as he […]

  • Morning in Milan

    2dolist Coffee U need a fucking coffee I am wearing nothing Under this dress I feel so free I want 2 make Joe happy San Siro later He loves football As much as he loves poetry It was fathers day yesterday we both signed a card And posted it It will, never arrive as it […]