Category: Uncategorized

  • The Innocent are Guilty

    As we were travelling through Italy Joe gave me his lilac badge The Innocent are Guilty I enquired about the meaning You will find out in time He said without averting his gaze Josephine

  • I Am Not Here

    I was sailing under The Golden Gate Bridge With everybody I have ever known When a girl jumped From a great height She was wearing my dress Josephine

  • Autumn in Berlin

    My sister is in Berlin She arrived some weeks ago And tells me that she is well There is still a warrant for her arrest Dating back many years She had connections With some urban terrorists But was not directly involved Her birth name was Greta But she likes to be known as Autumn As […]

  • Dialogues at the End of Platforms

    Whenever I stand at the end of a railway platform I feel that I am standing on the edge of the universe If one looks one way the comforts of home are shared If one looks in the other direction then only a vacancy greets I have always seen trains as organic creatures Like whales […]

  • Mad Girl’s Love Song

    Josie I found this paperback for you What is it called I cannot see As I am balancing the coffee’s Everything is so confused in Italy You can say that again That again Mad Girl’s Love Song Sounds fun Is it about me You are not a mad girl Mind you your coffee balancing Leaves […]

  • My Best Friends Sister

    My best friend’s sister was three years older that me Her name was Marionette and she lived in France Whereas Guy was being educated in England His family lived on the outskirts of Antibes I often summered there but rarely saw Marionette As she stayed with her fathers first wife in July Marionette hardly noticed […]

  • Kitchen Sink Photography

    When in Canterbury I took a photograph Of the wheel of a bus The kerb was also displayed As well as the exit/entrance platform A passing leg was caught Black shoes sensible Black tights forgettable I was questioned about my eye Many questioned me about my eye What was my reasoning For such as odd […]

  • My Book of Music

    Of late I have been travelling I have been exploring genres Heavy Metal has always interested me But I am not a Metal Head I liked Punk Music But I was not a Punk In no particular order Epica Rage of Light Metalwings Blackbriar Eleine Elvellon This post is all over the place Joe and […]

  • Behind the Mask

    Darling Josephine God is not punishing you Far from it as he is not a malicious God You have not sinned Not in the slightest Yours in a special love There is nothing sordid about you You are a very special girl As Joe is a special boy I am so proud of you both […]

  • Confession Josephine

    Mummy You have probably heard by now that Josie went a little crazy I became so happy that I began to question it It happened on a beach in Cannes I was drowning on a dry beach Was this a one off No it has been coming for a while I had felt myself changing I […]