Category: Uncategorized

  • In Nantes

    Simone and I met on a bus in Nantes We were both reading Verlaine I still use my bus ticket As a bookmark Simone will now fade From this poem She will not return Which I find rather sad

  • souvenirs de ma vie

    Joe I trust this finds you well and that Cannes is agreeable As requested I have sent copies of The Catherine of Catherine’s and Thirty-Nine to Richard at his Oxford address I rather liked both of these poems and I am sure that he will like them as well Please send my love to Josephine […]

  • Thirty-Nine

    There is an ornamental pond In front of our apartment It is filled with golden carp Who live until they are thirty-nine

  • The Catherine of Catherine’s

    About six months ago a tailor moved into the downstairs flat He shares it with his girlfriend named Catherine Who dresses simply but very well My name is also Catherine But unlike her I am very tall And dress in men’s suits Which although chic Cause me much distress

  • Nearly in Cannes

    Josie I am about twenty minutes away How beautiful this railway is I am in carriage second from the end Try not to trip up as you normally do Looking forward to seeing your new bikini Only a few miles separate us Within the hour Dear Josie Within the hour Joe xxx

  • Josie’s Invisible Bikini

    Joe I cannot believe you are so close At present I am at Cannes Station You photograph is on the runway And yes I spent a great deal of time on the beach You managed to capture my likeness In those webcam photographs I am just another girl in a bikini Did you spot me […]

  • St Charles

    Josie I am currently at St Charles The Cannes train leaves in twenty I am having a coffee And improving my French With Nice-Matin At a stretch I should be in Cannes by eight I will text when I am near Do you realise that you got me in trouble With the fine peeps at […]

  • Decent People

    Joe Hi Tim I wondered if Suki and I could pop around to see you As she want some advice about the poetry she is studying I would be really glad to help but at present I bombing through France on a TGV Where are you off to mate Cannes I am spending a few […]

  • Six Photos Laubeuf

    Sis Please find six photographs Taken via the webcam You are somewhere on the beach A small puzzle until we meet again Joe xxx Ps I should be in Cannes by about 19:00 No need to answer Compose yourself

  • You are a grade one cunt Joe

    You are a grade one cunt Joe Fuck you I am crying on the beach A girl from Germany is comforting me What has made me so sad Has someone died Her English is broken My German is poor I am crying from happiness She will sit with me until I recover I will contact […]