Category: Uncategorized

  • Nine Hundred Miles

    Josie Look up into the sky Look at the sun I am looking at the sun As you are looking at the sun We are identical twins I can feel your pain Identical twins Identical thoughts I am on a TGV I am not far from Paris The train is ready to take off I […]

  • The Innocent are Guilty

    Joe I feel such a silly bitch I posted last night On the way back from Antibes As I was worried about you I went to bed crying As I felt haunted I felt that I would never see you again This morning I woke up And your message was waiting for me Plus the […]

  • Le Monde Normal

    Do you ever consider the essence of strawberries That haunt the wet room when you bathe I am aware of the citrus fruits The January Fruits Oranges Lemons and Limes My skin tingles at their touch You did this to me

  • Where is Joe

    Guys I have not been able to contact Joe today I know that he is okay But he does have his very intense moments When he just goes off on a tangent following poetical inspiration If any of you hear from him please give me a shout I am between Antibes and Cannes at present […]

  • Vote for the Dalek Party

    Hi Josie I am sorry that I have been quiet But life has become very silly First of all Linkedin contacted me And told me that I had been a very naughty boy As I had used slang (which can be found in the OED) Which bless their heart they thought was hate speech As […]

  • Coucher de soleil sur la piscine

    I sat with my feet Dangling in the pool Jane was reading Celine The sun was setting Over the distant hills Between the two castles Blush Blue Blush Pink Blush Green

  • Catole & Carole go Boating

    What are you reading The Housewives of America Fuck in Baths Do they How should I know I will ring Cassie then Who is the author Celine Poerts Never heard on her What are you doing What What are you doing with that knife Carving I can see that Are you carving your initials No […]

  • into the light

    the captains of january have led us through the caves into the light of a new year

  • Oxford

    My cat told me that me That Edward Lear And Rainer Maria Rilke Shared High Tea In Oxford yesterday I knew that My cat was lying As I do not own a cat

  • Favourite Things

    Yesterday I was sitting at the railway station Waiting for Martha as I normally do When I saw two rather plump girls holding hands They smiled at me I smiled back They were obviously bicycles at the very least I felt no malice towards them None at all This set me thinking as about a […]