Category: Uncategorized

  • Canterbury in June

    It was an undecided day But this did not hinder The vivid colours In any manner As they assaulted my senses In those gardens by the Stour

  • Erotic Poem set in an Andrew Wyeth Painting

    Christina was asleep on her bed I had carried her there She was naked With her back towards me I could see her black pubic hairs Which were still damp Today was Thursday

  • Erotic Poem set in an Andrew Wyeth Painting

    The wooden telegraph poles Followed the contours of the road Christina before her disablement Was wearing a white cotton dress I could see the shadow of her sex As she walked towards me Warm Summer Rain

  • The Last Days of Satan

    I am often asked about My favourite movie scenes It depends on my mood It depends very much on my mood The Ride of the Valkyrie Choppers in Apocalypse Now Spring to mind I can remember watching it in tears Not because of its depiction of war Far from it as I did not give […]

  • The Abyss

    Hi Joe I am missing you so much And feel so ashamed Josie has disgraced herself It just seemed to hit me I had been so happy on the beach But began to feel guilty about being so happy And then Stella entered my life Stella the Fucking Bitch She seduced me and soon I […]

  • Josie on the Mend

    Hi Josie Marie-Claude contacted me to say that you are much improved Taking Stella out in the sun was probably not the greatest of ideas Your video still has not arrived if you sent it at all I chatted to Mummy earlier and she certainly has not received it so a dream is a dream […]

  • Juliet in the Desert

    Even when visitors arrive Juliet does not dress As she considers herself To be the Original Eve

  • Risky Poetry

    I am sitting in the shadow Of an old wooden shack In the low desert Jackie is riding my motorbike Naked along the dust trails It reminds me of a scene In the movie Vanishing Point

  • Naked Yoga

    I often join Memphis Belle At her naked yoga classes Before we drive into the desert

  • forgetmenots

    when my father returned from the war he began planting forget–me–nots next to the wooden shed at the end of our garden over the years these have spread down the steep embankment and across the railway lines they now cover the nearby hills often reflecting the morning sky