Category: Uncategorized

  • The Dalek Party

    I have decided who I am going to vote for The Dalek Party has my vote Check their PPB out on Boob Tube It is great fun Joe

  • That Odd Looking Chap

    Sis I do trust that you are fully recovered and have not disgraced yourself Do you remember the hotel room in Cadiz It was pretty gruesome You totally ruined your summer dress Here in Richmond Ian Duncan-Field has asked me to pen a short article About the fringe and the we should not be taking […]

  • Fucking Stella

    Sis I trust that Stella was not a one night stand The last time I had a Stella she used a bottle (do not answer that) Proud of you So proud of you Vomit have a decent shit Shower and then you will be ready for the beach I loved your poem It had a […]

  • Chaotic Josie

    O but my delicate lover, Is she not fair as the moonlight? Is she not supple and strong          For hurried passion?  Has not the god of the green world, In his large tolerant wisdom, Filled with the ardours of earth           Her twenty summers?  Well did he make her for loving;Well did he mould her for beauty;Gave her the wish that is […]

  • A Wedding Like No Other Wedding

    Jane and I were sitting in front of the Guildhall in Sandwich It is normally a rather reserved quiet location But from inside the building loud cheers could be heard A wedding was taking place a very informal wedding The almost chaotic guests emerged just after the bride Suits and pretty summer dresses were the […]

  • Les Demoiselles de Quai Laubeuf 

    Their colours are distinct They look vaguely identical How I envy their laziness Our days are so chic Hi Joe Here is the short poem you requested I wrote it on the beach this morning It is possibly a trite boring poem That is for you to decide Enjoy or loathe Sleep well God Bless […]

  • Tender is the Night

    Don’t you worry I surrenderDays are long and life’s a benderStill I know thatTender is the Night. F. Scott Fitzgerald Darling Josie Here is piece you might like I wish I could write like that Here are my thoughts from home I am getting very pissed off with this GE as it is an excuse […]

  • Cheese Sandwich

    I plan to eat a cheese sandwich In Sandwich this afternoon And consider the villages Of Ham and Ash Kent is such a silly county But it is Worth living here A poem from Silly Boy

  • The Seaview Hotel

    Murray and I are staying in Scarborough As we are going to explore The North Yorkshire Moors tomorrow The weather is May Kind But I do not trust it As traces of a recent storm Still scar the promenade and the road LuLuissketching The loneliest bus stop in the town She is devoted to bus […]

  • A Most Beautiful Jewess

    A couple of years ago when cutting Through Dane John Gardens I chanced upon a most beautiful Jewess Her radiance lit up the drabness of a grey day Even now when I pass the cafe I stop and think of this obscure girl