Category: Uncategorized

  • Butt Plugs

    I know fuck all about butt plugs as I felt that the knowledge would not enrich my life. But today as I walked down the street I was greeted by a sound that I mistook for champagne corks exploding I ignored it as I thought that people were celebrating the death of yet another much […]

  • Tis Pity She’s a Whore

    There is a funny person out there But the joke is that we have a date With Giovanni and Annabella Later in the summer I adore the darkness of this play Close My Eyes it is not Hold her heart and want to die Joe

  • Close My Eyes

    I have received a number of mails recently Asking about our favourite movies Some have suggested Close My Eyes a film released in 1991 And they would be right It was one of the first movies that Josie and I saw together When we began to realise the truth about ourselves Even now years later we sometimes watch  Close My […]

  • My Father is a Stationmaster

    My father is a stationmaster And I eagerly await the illumination Of the our railway station each day It varies depending on the time of year Later during the summer months And earlier when the cloak of winter falls I feel that this is my happy gift To the express trains that pass Silently through […]

  • Just Before the Night

    Even since I was a child I have loved the short period Just before night falls When the sky is darkening But retains its dying light

  • The Blue Lighthouse

    I often stay with Ingrid in Northern Germany We are both artists but very different I follow the American schools of colour Whereas Ingrid is a landscape artist She has a small studio near the harbour Which commands towering views Of the strange blue lighthouse The actual lighthouse is not blue It was painted black […]

  • Josie’s Post

    It is Bank Holiday Monday Joe is seeing friends in Windsor He asked me if I wanted to come But I just wanted to bum around Richmond And then bum around the house afterwards As many of you know I act Mainly on the stage I enjoy acting very much But I am not sure […]

  • Thoughts of an old soldier

    Whenever I see a person with a darker skin than mine holding a British passport It confuses me

  • Broken Glass

    It is not what you say It is what you do not say

  • A Home Fit For Heroes

    Yesterday whilst walking by the river I met an old soldier To think we fought for this This country is contaminated I knew where the soldier was going and agreed with him He told me a story I was arrested in Austria in the sixties As I foolishly got into a fight Somebody was hurt I […]