Category: Uncategorized

  • Lou 2024

    I love women More than men As they lack aggression And have smoother bodies Lou 2024

  • The Values of Love

    Love is a gift Is is quite free Those who love Are very happy Lou 2024

  • Marie Popol

    Josie Marie Popol How are you I am very well How is Paris treating you Sometimes bad Sometimes good But Paris is always a whore Henry Miller I can tell that you are Joe’s sister Are you well Well but very busy This said poor Joe has been under the weather Poor child Poor me […]

  • Tea With Nietzsche

    “if you kill a cockroach you are a hero, if you kill a butterfly, you are evil. morals have aesthetic criteria.” My question is what if you kill a malignant politician Answers on a . please

  • The dolls who watch me sleep

    I have a bed made up In my room of thought It is where I keep my beautiful dolls They share my dreams And I share theirs I feel so close to my nocturnal sisters Josephine Wilson Ward (2024)

  • Crossing the Channel

    Joe Miriam You have noted In one of your essays That you lost your virginity Whilst crossing the English Channel Is that true Yes You say that you were seduced By a teacher I was seduced by a teacher Was she from a private school Yes nothing common What was her name Miriam That is […]

  • Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe

    Joe Miriam Josie has told me that you used to do your homework Naked in a field Is that true Yes Were you on your own No two girls would accompany me Did you have a good time It was quite acceptable As Bee and Wasp Had beautiful backsides But deep down I preferred Courbet […]

  • Swimming Naked

    I used to go for walks with Horse Avril Smithe Mainly by the River Avon If the sun was kind and warm We would swim in the shallows That was until the day When we forgot our swimming costumes Avril suggested that we swim quite naked All my prayers had been blessed In this short […]

  • The day when I lost My Virginity

    It was a hot day in Bath and I was carrying My Virginity in a carrier bag It was a present for my sister’s birthday However I was careless in Marks & Sparks As I began chatting with a girl I fancied Her name was Horse Avril Smithe She suggested a Wimpy for lunch An […]

  • View of the Sea

    Blue white blue white Blue white blue white The dusts of the mountains Have revealed their mysteries