Category: Uncategorized

  • My Cousin Wyn

    I always enjoyed my Dorset summers As I could spend time with my cousin Wyn She was a gentle free spirit of a girl With cascades of flaxen hair We would camp within view of her cottage And swim in the shallows of the meandering Tye Daisy Chains were her passion Each longer than the […]

  • No Subject

    Mavis  Thank you for your kind email and yes I am recovering from the virus that I caught in Dover  Like all men it was more than it actually was and this was made worse by my mother and later Josie fussing around me  Josie as she knew I might get bored popped into the […]

  • La Ciotat Beach

    I am waiting at the railway station My morning train has been delayed A gathering of happy seagulls I hear The sky is cloud orange due to a recent shower It is very warm but I can still taste the morning chill Rebecca Decker has just messaged me from her bed Am I coming to […]

  • Confessional Poem Over

    Dearest Josie  I have just finished the biography of Siegfried Sassoon  Which you kindly gave to me during your last visit. It was a fine book which I have left for Mummy to read  For the last couple of hours I have been in my beloved Canterbury  The weather is sunny and the cathedral towers are almost […]

  • Thunder Thighs Tell No Lies

    I often ask God why large women  Wear bikinis or two pieces on the beach  In no way can it be seen as beautiful  Nothing over size sixteen should be seen  This helps me to believe in God  In what way pray tell  Well somebody somewhere  Has a sense of humour  I did not write this Joe  […]

  • Orwell and Kafka

    Josie Feeling much better today so travelling I am reading an unwanted newspaper And am thinking of the decay witnessed Did a songbird not far out of school Have to be confined to a hotel room And then transported to a venue Under armed guard fit for a president As you know I have read […]

  • Silhouettes

    Their interiors were featureless As they stood against the dawn The sea was a flat glass blue The sky whispered clouds white May was wearing her floral dress Without sandals once again As she liked the luxury Of the fine sand Between her toes

  • May on the Beach

    The beach was welcoming The breeze was southerly The sea reflected the sky The gulls were languid The hours were dreaming

  • Meeting Killer

    Josie Trust you are well from about ten minutes ago when we last spoke Although I tried to hide Mummy dragged me around to see Aunty Doreen When we arrived I thought that she was watching a Tod Browning movie called Freaks which was made in 1932 But she was watching the Eurovision Song Contest I […]

  • Eurovision Song Contest

    Josie In answer to your comment I have never liked the Eurovision Song Contest as I find it very tedious. It is the bastard cousin of women’s football and just as pointless. This year’s contest will obviously be political. There is one country that I would like to see win You will know which country […]