Category: Uncategorized

  • Safe Return

    Hi Joe Sorry that I had to charge off but I totally forgot about the rehearsal What a stupid and very tired girl I am I am You were looking much better when I left I have thrown my voodoo doll away Typical £ Store shit You will be happy to know that Cora has […]

  • Goat

    I saw a goat fall from a high cliff It was an horrific experience Yet I watched its entire fall Just before it hit the ground It seemed to decelerate And almost floated downwards When the dust had cleared I walked over to the goat Which was lying on its back And although stunned It […]

  • The Roads to Freedom

    When I was at university I became infatuated with my lecturer It was a close but totally asexual relationship Yet on one hot Athens afternoon It all changed as I found out who he really was It was nothing sinister just rather sad I had always tried to avoid sadness He was on his computer […]

  • Silly Thoughts From Silly Boy

    To all my friends  A question  How many of you masturbate at work  A quick trip to the gender friendly bogs  The Pleasure Palace awaits  But do clean up the mess  As the tiled floors  Can be slippery and dangerous  A recent survey noted  That over 40% of employees  Masturbate at work  10% in meetings  […]

  • My Girlfriend is on the Rag

    Hi All  Silly Boy here  Girlfriends they are so overrated  I met a girl named Meryl  The other day  She was from Stoke  I like girls from Stoke  Meryl thought I was the best thing  She had seen since her cat  Visited its flat mate on the A4 I told her that I was hung […]

  • I Rite 2

    I am known as a poet By those I select Friendly souls Without criticism It is suggested I rite A select occupation Naked travel A journey shared

  • The Wolf of the Sea

    The Wolf of the Sea Is a small pub In the coastal Village of Parr It was very popular With the artists colony That settled in the area Between the wars And was often the subject Of their paintings I own a brightly coloured painting By Tobias Mann Which now hangs In the main guest […]

  • Fulham

    I met a girl named Fulham Who lived in Fulham She obviously supported Fulham I met a guy named Bolton Who lived in Bolton He obviously supported Bolton

  • This was Banned

    Sick Boy Joe (Part One) Hi Joe Where have you been We thought you were dead Maxkers thought you had died of exhaustion shagging your sister No such luck She has been my nurse for the past couple of weeks Was she commando under her uniform like the slag in Burger King What that fat […]

  • Black White Summer

    I had planned To watch the sun rise But was astonished To find that the black rocks had turned white during the night I knew then That my summer had arrived