Category: Uncategorized

  • Cheese & Crackers

    Joe are you okay Mummy has just messaged me to say that you were poorly Where are you I am still at the airport Cora is just getting this and that She sends her love Do you want me to come down after I see Cora off There is no need You are never ill […]

  • My Mother

    It is so nice to see you again Joe You look tired Scotland is a long way A friend cancelled So I thought I would pop by Is Josie expecting you Yes and no She is seeing Cora off Such a pretty girl I agree The Dark Lady of the Sonnets Very much Have you […]

  • Erotic Thriller

    I own a CD Madonna It is over Twenty years old I have placed it Between my thighs It is slowly Bringing me on This dream Will finish In twenty minutes

  • Morning Erotic

    I always find Summer mornings Very erotic Iris and I Often play Naked chess On our balcony We overlook The awakening city

  • Morning Erotic

    I always find Summer mornings Very erotic Siri and I Often play Naked chess On our balcony We overlook The awakening city

  • News from My Bedroom (Siri)

    Is the day never more perfect Than when the early sun Blazes over the low roof tops Iris Everything is illuminated

  • Lilith Naked

    Log Under Visual Pleasure Independent Woman Disrobes in front of me Is this a trick or a dare

  • A Sauna in Seville

    I was invited to Seville by Ines As she wanted me to see Spain To my surprise the villa Had a sauna and a pool Which was advantageous As I suffer from a skin condition Normally I was left alone But occasionally her mother Would join me in the cabin She was very much like […]

  • Anne Naylor Anne Naylor

    Of late a small ceramic cat with a blue head Has taken refuge in our house It appears to be spooked And often hides in dark corners It is a silent unassuming cat But has now told me its woeful story I was the cat of young Anne Naylor Who was apprenticed to a mother […]

  • People Lifting Machines

    I have never attended a demonstration Especially the popular ones If people want to kill each other overseas It is no business of mine In fact it bores the fuck out of me Even when I was at college I did not care Never believe those Who say they care My sister said that she […]