Category: Uncategorized

  • The Delivery of Groceries

    Joe the funniest thing just happened to me Was ****** ****** hit by a train No much more rewarding than that I am all ears Well you know that you order a weekly shop Yes Well it was delivered about half an hour ago It was on time for once Very much It was as […]

  • Prison Notebooks

    Joe Mo Joe What are you writing on the napkin A list of people who I think should be assassinated You will get in trouble mate For writing the names of certain people who I dislike on a napkin in MCD It is not a police state yet You noted in a recent video that […]

  • The Blue Light

    Over the years I have read many stories about the mysterious blue lights That can be seen near railway lines or at railway stations Most of these stories come from the USA and are usually slightly exaggerated But I have recently have come across the tale of a mysterious blue light On the Great Western […]

  • A Murder in Sandwich

    Although Sandwich is world famous it is a peaceful place Not much happens in Sandwich But that was not the case in April 1960 when a tragic killing occurred It involved a girl and two boys all aged eighteen Ray Thomas had been going out with Jessie Sparks for over a year They were planning […]

  • Pumpkins Float

    I saw a pumpkin Floating above a fallow field It landed in a rough lane And exploded Like an orange balloon

  • Pop Video

    I get a great number of requests Extremely polite requests Asking me to describe Josie She looks like me is my only reply We are identical twins But my likeness is also a mystery As we have no social media accounts It is better that way This said Josie did feature in a pop video […]

  • I Would Have Liked To Have Been An Artist (Thought Crime)

    Although as part of the conditions I was asked to interview you I was not made aware of what crime you had committed It was not a crime Then why were you arrested John Because of a sketch that I sent to ****** ****** ****** ******* ? No Sarah Jane ****** ****** Oh I see […]

  • I Would Have Liked To Have Been An Artist (Extras)

    Joan Miss Richardson What do you think of the current government It is weak Explain week 7 Days Explain weak It promises a great deal but does not deliver The illegals are a case in point Instead of just sending them back to France We just collect them and their diseases and imagine solutions that […]

  • I Would Have Liked To Have Been An Artist (Session Two)

    Tom Yes I am recording session two Fine Did you enjoy the refreshments Yes The tea I like perfumed tea Arthur Miss Robinson Do you like women Yes very much But you have been rude about my appearance I was only telling you the truth That has hurt me do you not feel ashamed No […]

  • I Would Have Liked To Have Been An Artist (Session One)

    Good Morning Miss Robinson My name is Julie Introduce yourself My name is Guy I have been asked to assess you Why Because I understand that you are a poet Yes Are you any good I am an outstanding poet Do you like being a poet No Why Because it is very painful I Would […]