Category: Uncategorized

  • The Scarborough Garden

    A Rainbow Bear became lost In my Scarborough Garden As it was quite empty/nothing moved A Passing Dream/ A Passing Dream I will be reading a book quite soon Whilst waking slowly towards The Avenue of The Mystical Bookmarks

  • Dignitas Infinita

    The Vatican has reiterated its staunch opposition to sex changes, gender theory, surrogate parenthood, abortion and euthanasia in a text dubbed “” (Infinite Dignity). What do you think of it Joe It is very interesting The English Church is going off in a number of odd directions The slavery nonsense is only just but one […]

  • Kat

    Selfish Moody Independent Sometimes loving Sometimes not You are so like me

  • i do not understand you

    you are the wild one poetry is everywhere you see everything but your own likeness

  • Hail Mary

    Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen Hail Grace, full of Mary, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou […]

  • Rock Salt

    Jane This is an early morning Erotic Poem For You We live next 2theC Andyousaid As you looked Out of the window That this morning It reminded you Of Rock Salt As normal you were wearing only a brief top your bum was bare I said that The Sea Did not remind me Of Rock […]

  • Eve in the Swamp

    Why was Eve in the Swamp Wearing just her underwear I searched for answers But found none Why was Eve in the Swamp Wearing just her underwear I searched for answers But found none But found none I searched for answers Wearing just her underwear Why was Eve in the Swamp Daddy Swamp Creature

  • Maureen

    Hi Guys I received some sad news today Maureen Green is dead Who the fuck is Maureen you might ask Maureen Green was a car crash For all of her forty-seven years I first met her at a party in the late nineties It was early in the evening And she was already drunk Which […]

  • Where My Beloved Antonia

    Jill and I have recently moved into the village And have purchased my Aunt’s old cottage Which is opposite the church What puzzles me is that the church Has a peculiar name It has never been translated As the language is unclear I am a scholar of dead languages The Church of the Dead Angels

  • Dreams of Antonia

    I dreamt of Antonia again last night Even though I have not seen her for years I often dream about Antonia And more since I have moved here I now live in a cottage opposite the church Where my Antonia rests with the angels